Monday 1 January 2007


AQUAVISION is a completely independent waterproof television that is built to the latest regulations in waterproofing and safety, it is designed to integrate into your bathroom or any other room. With its’ slim profile, your AQUAVISION unit can easily be fitted into any stud or solid wall and tiled or plastered up to give that truly ‘built in’ look that will enhance any area.
Originally designed for use just in the bathrooms, however they regularly appear in kitchens, swimming pool and garden environments, spa’s, sauna’s, and even living rooms.
All the units feature heated screen areas to prevent the front misting up in humid conditions or even freezing up in cold conditions, and come as standard in a unique “Ice White” surround. All the TVs come with a floating remote control.
As an option, the 10.4”, 15”, 17”, 26” units are also available in our MirrorVision finish. This makes the television unit resemble a near perfect mirror when the screen is turned off, but becoming almost invisible when the screen is activated.

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